About Us
US K9 UNLIMITED offers police dog handler programs for law enforcement and private personnel in the proper handling and maintenance of the working canine. USK9 can also customize a Training Program for you or your Agency’s particular needs.
US K9 UNLIMITED is proud of its renowned reputation in the law enforcement community as one of honesty and professionalism. We are driven to provide the most professionally trained, highly competitive canines in the country.
Roger Abshire supervises this state-of-the-art training facility to insure that your department or company is paired up with the right canine. US K9 is known for providing the finest patrol and family protection dogs.
US K9 UNLIMITED also offers IMPORT SERVICE- SchH (Schutzhund) - IPO (International Prufungs Ordung) - KNPV ( Koninklijke Nederlandse Politiehond Vereniging) titled - German Shepherds & Belgian Malinois. Call for pricing.
Internationally recognized leader in all genres of canine training: explosive, narcotics detection, patrol, tracking, and protection.
Over a quarter of a century of domestic and foreign expertise as a canine & handler trainer, canine competition judge, expert witness, consultant to state and government agencies, and working dog team evaluator.
Founder, International Police Service Canine Association (IPSCA) and Canine Standards International (CSI)
Instructor, Canine Corrections Association (CCA), Angola State Penitentiary, Louisiana.
Instructor, Acadians Law Enforcement Training Academy (ALETA)
Hosted and directed a seminar for the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers Training Academy (MLEOTA).
Founder, International Police Service Canine Association (IPSCA), an organization that sets the education and ethical standards for the certification of canines, handlers, and trainers.
Instructor, Law Enforcement Training Systems (LETS)
Instructor, The United States Police Canine Association (USPCA),
Instructor, International Police Service Canine Association.
President, US K9 Dog Training Academy
Founder, Canine Standards International, Inc.
Set-up a third party certification program for Explosive Detection Dogs thru the US Government.
Teamed up in canine applications with SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) Homeland Protection and Preparedness Business Unit
Instructor, Road Warrior Interdiction Network.
Full time Commissioned Officer/K9 Handler, Kaplan Police Department
Consultant, Department of Energy, Bomb detection teams
Consultant, modification of existing Canine Scent Kits And development of protocols for canine detection of biological systems.
Cooperative researcher, Louisiana State University on establishing termite detection protocols.
Canine consultant/trainer, State of Georgia Special Operations Division (Fugitive Squad); Trainer, 90 Narcotic & Explosive Dog Teams
Member/Trainer/Sponsor Desert Snow/Black Asphalt Interdiction with Homeland Security approved training.
Training Director for 2004 Angola State Penitentiary/CSI Law Enforcement K9 Training Seminar
Trainer/Consultant, Kuwait oil sector
Trainer/Consultant, for 25 teams certified under US Government Energetics & Organic Materials Laboratory EWG, EWETD, AETC
Trainer/Consultant for Hundreds of Law Enforcement agencies.
Member, President, Canine Standards International, Inc.
Member, Vice President International Police Service Canine Association.
Member, KNPV (Koninklijke Nederlandfe Politiehound Vereniging).
Elected official, National Narcotics Detector Dog Association (NNDDA) for Narcotics/Bomb Detection; Cadaver Recovery; Patrol.
Elected member, L.E.T.S. Law Enforcement training specialists
Member United States Police Canine Association
Member Canine Corrections Association
International Canine Narcotic Detector Foundation
Commendation, US Government, Excellence in Canine Training
Canine Corrections Association, excellence in instructing patrol work with problem solving for police service canines teams
Brookhaven Seminar, Instructor for Patrol
Lincoln County Seminar, Instructor for patrol
Pensacola Seminar, Instructor for detection
DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency
ATF (Arms, Tobacco & Firearms)
Louisiana Explosives License
Louisiana Magazine License